Chair Massage & Your Wedding: A Match Made in Heaven!

As you look ahead at your big day and really start thinking about the mountains of details, beyond that initial spark of initial excitement, you probably feel like you’re almost drowning in all the possible components of the plan.
Even simple wedding ceremonies can take a good amount of planning and consideration- all making sure your vision comes to fruition just as you planned it. Even more stressful, every new facet of your wedding you consider seems to stem 5 more things to add to your list, each with its own steps you need to take to make it happen. Soon what was a list of 50 “to-dos” becomes 200 “to-dos” the more you roll through the details in your head.
200 “to-dos“ really equates to 200 reasons why on-site massage and your wedding need to go hand-in-hand. The amount of physical stress your body will build up leading up to, and on, your wedding day is tremendous, and having someone there to take that weight off your shoulders is the best thing you can possibly do for yourself.
Now you’re thinking “with 200 things to do, how will I even find that much time?”
The answer is easy- On-Site Chair Massages.
A massage chair takes mere seconds to set up in virtually any location, and because On-Site Chair Massages don’t require anyone to remove any clothing, they really can be performed wherever you are.
The sessions are short, too. The average chair massage session being from 10-15 minutes long, so it is easy to tackle entire groups and wedding parties and families in hardly any time at all.
As the bride or groom, ten minutes is all you’d need to set aside to really allow yourself to truly relax and enjoy the moment. A ten-fifteen minute window to really soak in the reality of the day and collect your thoughts and emotions while getting the physical stress literally massaged out of you by an on-site massage therapist. Hard to put a price on that.
Imagine how valuable it would be to have a Massage Therapist there with you as you and the group are getting ready the “morning of”, set up in a corner of the room taking each person to a place of relaxed serenity. Imagine the impact that could have on your day if those around you are brought to a level of “relaxed calm excitement” instead of “anxious nervous excitement”. . . You’ll probably enjoy your day even more, can easily say that!
The chances for massage don’t stop there- mobile chair massage also makes a great addition to bridal showers and bachelor parties prior to the big day. Someone from our team can be there celebrating the union with you and your friends and give everyone on-site chair massages, making the party even better! Sometimes we’ve even heard of people buying this perk for their significant other’s party as a pre-wedding surprise. . . An idea to keep in mind!
Wedding receptions are another time that many brides choose to have mobile chair massage therapist come in for. A wedding reception is a huge party in celebration of your love, after all, so it is important that whoever is planning it out makes the reception a real affair to remember. This, in, many cases, involves pulling out all the stops and bringing out all the bells and whistles for the affair. If having a licensed massage therapist providing massages for all your loved ones sounds like something they’d enjoy and remember, that’s certainly another memory our team can happily provide.
Once all is said and done, the exhausted family and happy goes home or to a bridal suite, and the next morning a typical custom is to reconvene for some sort of celebratory brunch. Whether you follow that custom or not, that next morning is another perfect opportunity for relaxation and rest to come into play. The Seated Serenity team can come to you that morning and provide chair massages for the whole group as everyone recoups and relaxes with their newly expanded family. It’s the perfect opportunity for the bride and groom and/or mom and dad to get a full table session, too. You’ve put so much time and effort into the event- you’ve earned that reward!
Whatever part of your big day you decide to use on-site chair massages for, just know that you are making the right move in investing in stress relief for yourself and those around you. The day will come and go like a flash, and anything you can do to enjoy it more as it is happening and make it even more memorable afterwards is wholly worth the effort.
We here at Seated Serenity would like to sincerely congratulate you on your decision to celebrate your love with those closest to you, and want to assure you that if you start feeling the pressure of the day looming closer, know that the Seated Serenity pack has your back! . . . See you there!